Song Therapy

I am currently working towards enhanced certification and accreditation as a Song Therapist which is an Industry recognized complementary health qualification for musicians. I am a pianist and vocalist and am keen to incorporate the therapeutic value of music and song into my counselling and psychotherapy work. 

I also record myself performing in order to provide clients with another resource they can connect to. I aim to offer warmth and empathy through my songs. As a therapist, I admit, I don’t always have the words to express complete empathy through standard talking therapy and as the famous Hans Christian Andersen saying goes… I believe “Where words fail, music speaks”. 

If you are a new client receiving therapy from me and are interested in this and my resource list of therapeutic mood songs, please enquire. 

Also if you are an organisation or charity and interested in finding out about/booking recreational and therapeutic music-making sessions for your clients – please get in touch. If I am unable to offer these when you enquire – I am can put you in touch with likeminded musicians who can offer such services.